city of Chula Vista

File #: 16-0153    Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Passed
In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/24/2016 Final action: 5/24/2016
Attachments: 1. Item 8 - Attachment 1, 2. Item 8 - Resolution






Recommended Action

Council adopt the resolution.





In 1997 the City Council approved a Sublease with Live Nation, Inc. (formerly Universal Concerts) that established a process whereby ticket sales proceeds at the Sleep Train (formerly Coors/Cricket) amphitheater would be paid to the City and utilized for a Performing and Visual Arts Fund.  This fund is to be used for arts grants to the Chula Vista community for the purpose of promoting and stimulating the growth of performing and visual arts within the City of Chula Vista.  This year, the Chula Vista Library, who manages the grant process, received $76,352 from Live Nation for their 2015 Concert Series.


As called for in the sublease, a Performing and Visual Arts Task Force was established to make recommendations to the City Council regarding the grant awards.  The task force is assisted by the Library Department, which formally conducts the grant application process. The Task Force has reviewed the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 applications and makes the following recommendations to the City Council.




Environmental Notice

Environmental Notice

The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.



Environmental Determination

The Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change in the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, the activity is not subject to CEQA.  Thus, no environmental review is required.



The Performing and Visual Arts Grant Task Force recommends that the City Council award arts funds to groups as outlined in this report.  The Cultural Arts Commission endorsed the Task Force recommendations at their meeting on May 16th, 2016.



Since the program’s inception the Library Department has administered the Performing and Visual Arts Fund grant application process.  The Performing and Visual Arts Grant Application was announced through a press release, advertised on the City of Chula Vista and Library webpages, and applications were made available online or by email communication. The period for submittal ran from late December to late February, with an application deadline of 5 pm on February 29th.


Fifty-two applications totaling $188,667 in grant requests were received by the application due date.  This was an increase from the previous year when thirty-three applications requested $146,350 in grant awards. The amount available from Live Nation was down slightly from 2015 and totaled $76,352.


A copy of each application was made available to members of the Task Force assembled specifically for the purpose of determining the successful applications.  The Task Force members invited to participate in the process this year were:


Adrianna Hernandez, City Council Administrative Division

Darbi Peters, Guest Services Manager, Live Nation

Virginia Sywyj, Cultural Arts Commission

Karen Daniels, Cultural Arts Commission

Silvia Lugo, Southwestern College

Stephanie Loney, Chula Vista Library (non-voting)

Yeelin Cheung, Chula Vista Library (non-voting)


All fifty-two applications were distributed two weeks before the panel met to the panelists for their review. The Task Force met on April 8th, 2016, reviewed all the  applications and made the following recommendations for grant awards to forty-six of them. All but four of the successful applications had award amounts reduced. This was due to the high number of requests received this year. Six requests were unsuccessful. The awards recommended total $75,300 and are as follows -


List of Grant Recommendations:


Community Events


Chula Vista Rotary Foundation                                                                                                                                                   $2,000

To fund a community event in Chula Vista entitled OctoberFiesta!, showcasing Mariachi and Folklorico performers, vendors, and a silent auction. A blend of Mariachi tradition and German October festival.


City of Chula Vista Harborfest                                                                                                                                                   $5,000

To fund a Community Zone in which local artists, performers, schools, and groups can showcase their artistic talents. To take place on Saturday August 20th at the Marina Bayfront in Chula Vista.


City of Chula Vista Independence Day Fireworks                                                                                    $2,500

To fund the promotion of the Independence Day Fireworks Festival using various methods including fliers, posters, banners.


City of Chula Vista Recreation Department                                                                                                         $5,000

To fund a summer concert in the park series, to be held in the Memorial Bowl from July 2016 through September 2016. The concerts will also include activities for the audience.


City of Chula Vista Starlight Parade                                                                                                                              $5,000

To promote the annual Starlight Parade with fliers, posters, banners and an online media campaign.


Parade Band Foundation                                                                                                                                                                        $3,800

To fund the main stage at the annual Chula Vista Bayfront Band Review and Festival: Salute to Veterans, showcasing cultural music and dance, in partnership with Chula Vista and Sweetwater School districts.


Third Avenue Village Association                                                                                                                                                   $2,000

To fund the annual Holiday in the Village celebration on December 3rd, 2016.

To include live holiday entertainment, activities, and photo opportunities.


Third Avenue Village Association                                                                                                                                                   $2,500

To provide musical entertainment and seasonal activities at the Third Avenue Village Certified Farmers Market on Thursday evenings throughout the year.


Individual Applicants


Ania Acuna Avilez                                                                                                                                                                                             $1,000

To fund costumes for traditional choreographies for ballet classes and performances conducted in Chula Vista Recreation Centers.


Charles Berigan                                                                                                                                                                                             $750

To support a series of evenings devoted to the work of local writers in Chula Vista, read by the authors themselves, in conjunction with music. In addition, the creation of books consisting of the work presented at each event.


Jeanne Becijos                                                                                                                                                                                             $1,500

To fund performances of the play “Heartquakes” at a Chula Vista venue. Written by local playwright, Jeanne Becijos, the work was original performed as part of the San Diego International Fringe Festival.


Yolanda Chacon Beniquez                                                                                                                                                                        $1,000

To support a performance of Ballet Folklorico at a Chula Vista venue, featuring dances of the Sinaloa and Jalisco regions.


Candice Silva Cortez                                                                                                                                                                        $2,000

To support the production of CD’s/DVD’s of the film “It’s About Alex” and its screening, promotion, and/or entry into film festivals.  The film is shot entirely in Chula Vista.                     


Dr. Rachel N Hastings                                                                                                                                                                        $2,000

To support an interactive, multimedia-driven performance art exhibit examining the socio-political state of black men in America.  The three part exhibit originating at Southwestern College will function as a backdrop to Dr. Hasting’s one-person performance, as well as convert into a traveling exhibit for a wider audience.                     


James B. Farrell                                                                                                                                                                                             $250

To support the study of iconography and the completion of an iconic representation of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Mr. Farrell lectures at Mater Dei and Corpus Christi parishes and will display this work at these events.


Omar Quintero                                                                                                                                                                                             $1,000

To illustrate a series of regalia plates of Native American tribal dancers, with descriptions of dance styles and their origins. To culminate with the production of an artistic book on the same subject.


Melissa Yumi Richards & Adrian Arancibia                                                                                                         $1,000

To help support a poetry reading in an unconventional venue as a pop-up performance/visual art show at a location in Chula Vista.


John Stencil                                                                                                                                                                                                                  $500

To support the purchase of Elixar acoustic guitar strings as an upgrade to a set of 31 Baby Taylor Guitars used by 6th graders at Clear View Elementary School.




California Ballet Association                                                                                                                                                   $1,000

To support on-site performances/lessons at Eastlake and Bonita Vista High Schools


Chula Vista Ballet                                                                                                                                                                                             $2,000

To support the production of a Season Finale gala of Snow White at a Chula Vista location, restaged by Taeko Nishino. Also, a presentation of Act II of Swan Lake, staged by guest choreographer Shannon Parsley of the Boston Ballet.                     


Friends of the Chula Vista Library                                                                                                                                                   $300

To support a celebration of diversity within the community by hosting a performance of traditional dances of the Pacific island region at the Chula Vista Library.




Arc of San Diego                                                                                                                                                                                             $1,000

To support in part, a theater production at The Arc’s Gerber Family Center in Chula Vista that features the Arc’s clients, who are people with a range of disabilities.


Bonitafest Melodrama                                                                                                                                                                        $1,000

To support a community musical-melodrama based on local history, to run in conjunction with the Bonitafest in September.


CYT San Diego                                                                                                                                                                                             $1,000

To support advertising, costumes and sound equipment of theater performances                      in Chula Vista libraries and at the Day of the Child event (April 2017)


Heritage Elementary School Performing Arts Troupe                                                                                    $1,500

To support a whole-school production of the Wizard of Oz at Heritage Elementary


La Jolla Playhouse                                                                                                                                                                                             $2,000

To fund POP tours in Chula Vista Elementary Schools


OnStage Productions                                                                                                                                                                        $1,000

To support theater marketing efforts of OnStage Productions


OnStage Productions                                                                                                                                                                        $1,000

To underwrite theater tickets for charter school and Sweetwater Union High School District students in grades 8-12 to expose them to the live theater experience


Visual Art


Chula Vista Art Guild                                                                                                                                                                        $2,000

To fund three art exhibits at different locations within Chula Vista to encourage community participation and closer community connections


Museum of Contemporary Art                                                                                                                                                   $2,000

To support the Extended School Partnership program at Chula Vista High School, including museum visits, educator’s professional development, in class activities built on exhibition themes, and a student showcase of work.




San Diego Youth Symphony                                                                                                                                                   $3,000

To help fund afterschool music instruction for students in the Chula Vista Elementary School District



Bonita Vista High School Club Blue                                                                                                                              $500

To partially support upgrades to live sound equipment


Bonita Vista High School Music Machine                                                                                                                              $500

To support Music Machine performances in Chula Vista


Bonita Vista High School Sound Unlimited                                                                                                         $500

To support Sound Unlimited performances in Chula Vista


Bonita Vista High School Lady Tones                                                                                                                              $500

To support Lady Tones performances in Chula Vista


Eastlake High School Band Boosters                                                                                                                              $1,000

To support the teaching and performance of music by various ELHS bands


Friends of the Chula Vista Library                                                                                                                                                   $1,000

To support a series of weekly classes in the Chula Vista library to teach the 8 string musical instrument Jarana to members of the community


Friends of the Chula Vista Library                                                                                                                                                   $1,500

To support a program that teaches an appreciation of music while also demonstrating the science behind musical sound.




Arts for Learning San Diego                                                                                                                                                   $1,000

To help support a series of arts/musical experiences for all ages at the Chula Vista Library. The performances will include sing-alongs, drum circles, mask making, story-telling, and body percussion.


Friends of the Chula Vista Library                                                                                                                                                   $2,500

To provide six weeks of artistic and performance arts programing to local youth at each of the Chula Vista library branches during the summer.


High Tech High Chula Vista                                                                                                                                                   $2,500

To fund a collaborative project between High Tech High Chula Vista, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Museum of Photographic Art.  HTHCV will work with both museums to curate several museum exhibits throughout the year in Chula Vista.


San Diego Entertainment and Arts Guild                                                                                                                              $1,500

To fund performances at the annual Steve Kowit Poetry Prize and awards ceremony.

To be held in April 2017 at Southwestern College.


Mexicayotl Indio Cultural Center                                                                                                                                                   $1,000

To partially fund the creation of a video exploring how participation in a traditional art community impacts performers view of the arts and journey to artistic discovery.


Mater Dei Catholic High School                                                                                                                                                    $1,500

To partially support a collaboration between Mater Dei Catholic High School and the San Diego Junior Youth Theatre to produce a spring 2017 musical performance


Media Arts


Friends of the Chula Vista Library                                                                                                                                                   $1,000

To partially support a series of classes teaching film creation (storyboarding, filming and editing). Film creators will have six months to create a short film and completed films will be submitted for review, culminating in a library film festival in March 2017.


Friends of the Chula Vista Library                                                                                                                                                   $1,200

To support Film Forum programming at the Chula Vista Library. Programs will include screening of different movie genres and accompanying director talks.                                                                                                                              

The above grant award recommendations were made by the Task Force with full consideration given to previous recommendations made at City Council on April 9th, 2009 that applications should be submitted on the correct application form, that criteria on how points are awarded are considered, and that itemized budgets and final reports are a requirement.  The previous guidelines were approved by City Council on December 14th, 1999 and entitled “Criteria for the Allocation of the Performing Arts Fund.                                                                                    




Staff has reviewed the decision contemplated by this action and has determined that it is not site-specific and consequently, the 500-foot rule found in California Code of Regulations Title 2, section 18702.2(a)(11), is not applicable to this decision for purposes of determining a disqualifying real property-related financial conflict of interest under the Political Reform Act (Cal. Gov't Code § 87100, et seq.).

Staff is not independently aware, and has not been informed by any City Council member, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter.  


The City’s Strategic Plan has five major goals: Operational Excellence, Economic Vitality, Healthy Community, Strong and Secure Neighborhoods and a Connected Community. Awarding the Performing and Visual Arts Grants to the organizations and individuals listed above supports the Connected Community goal as many of the projects are free and open to the general public.  In addition, the Economic Vitality goal is supported as community events bring investment into the area where they are situated, and lastly, the Healthy Community goal is supported as dance and musical opportunities support physical and mental well-being.



There is no current fiscal impact associated with these grants.  The recommended fiscal year 2016-2017 grant awards total $75,300 and the amount received from Live Nation totaled $76,352. A remaining amount of $1,052 will carry over to the following fiscal year.






1.                     Criteria for the Allocation of the Performing Arts Fund as approved by City Council on December 14th, 1999.


Staff Contact: Stephanie Loney, Principal Librarian, Library